Solar Guide
Resource Center
One of the chief benefits of living in San Luis Obispo County is all of those sunny days. And, if your electric bill exceeds $125 a month, then you’ve probably thought about making those sunny days work for you by delving in to the solar-powered world. At smart72, we’re prepared to help you transition your home into a solar powerhouse – but there are a few things you can consider… Read more
The California Solar Initiative (CSI) is a solar rebate program for California residents who purchase their power service from one of the state’s main investor-owned suppliers: Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E); Southern California Edison (SCE); or San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E). It’s just one of many new ways California is incentivizing home owners to invest in solar energy alternatives by essentially paying you to do it! This, together with…Read more
One of the chief benefits of living in San Luis Obispo County is all of those sunny days. And, if your electric bill exceeds $125 a month, then you’ve probably thought about making those sunny days work for you by delving in to the solar-powered world. At smart72, we’re prepared to help you transition your home into a solar powerhouse – but there are a few things you can consider…Read more
It’s a frequent question asked, what’s the cost of solar installation? How much will I be charged to install reliable and sustainable photovoltaic solar panels, either at a residence of business area? Well, there are many websites that will be…Read more
There are eventually numerous advantages to installing solar panels on your residence; we are talking about lowering the cost of your energy bills plus reducing the carbon footprint. However, the choice of installing solar panels should not be rushed since…Read more