Resource Center
The defrost cycle of a heat pump is its way of trying to operate efficiently during cooler months. A defrost control tells the reversing valve when to send hot refrigerant outdoors to thaw the outdoor coil during the winter. During the defrost cycle, your auxiliary heat takes over, which reduces the heat pump's overall efficiency by up to 10 percent. The two most common types of defrost controls are time-temperature and demand-defrost.… Read more
We hear it all the time from HVAC companies – “get an AC Tune up”. But what exactly does an air conditioning tune-up include anyways? smart72 CEO Jason Devries walks us through what kind of issues air conditioning units are prone to, and how to best address them through scheduled maintenance and a checklist. Summer is just around the corner and preseason AC tune ups are a crucial preventative maintenance…Read more
When selecting an air-source heat pump, consider the following three characteristics carefully: the energy efficiency rating, sizing, and the system's components. Energy Efficiency Ratings In the United States, we rate a heat pump's energy efficiency by how many British thermal units (Btu) of heat it moves for each watt-hour of electrical energy it consumes. Every residential heat pump sold in this country has an EnergyGuide Label, which features the heat…Read more