Resource Center
Why Do I Need a Heater Tune-Up or Maintenance? We've all dealt with the internal struggle of a cold house- that moment when you have to make a decision between either flipping on the heater or committing to wearing those old pajamas that you didn't really like from 3 Christmases ago. Time and time again, those PJ's end up getting their time to shine. Sometimes you even get so desperate… Read more
NATIONAL FIRE PREVENTION MONTH October is National Fire Prevention Month. National Fire Prevention Week starts Sunday, October 7th to Saturday, October 13th. With record breaking numbers of fires in California in 2018, it is more important than ever to ensure the safety of your home. It is very important to install smoke alarms in the appropriate areas and make sure they function properly. Visit NFPA’s “Smoke Alarm Central” for more…Read more