Why Do I Need a Heater Tune-Up or Maintenance?
22 Jan, 2019

Why Do I Need a Heater Tune-Up or Maintenance?

We’ve all dealt with the internal struggle of a cold house- that moment when you have to make a decision between either flipping on the heater or committing to wearing those old pajamas that you didn’t really like from 3 Christmases ago. Time and time again, those PJ’s end up getting their time to shine. Sometimes you even get so desperate that you’re forced to wrap yourself in that blanket on the couch that is supposed to just be for decoration.

Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we let the PJ’s and decoration blanket win? One word… MONEY.

Reduce Energy Cost

Many California homeowners are hesitant to flip on their heater in fear of expensive energy bills during the colder months. But did you know that every year your furnace misses a tune-up, your heater loses 5% of it’s efficiency. Neglecting the maintenance of your heating system is a major cause of expensive energy cost. Annual maintenance is crucial in ensuring the safety and efficiency of your heating system. It will also help prevent costly repairs in the future. Call your local heating pro today to schedule your maintenance.

Ensure System Efficiency

Heating systems that are over 15 years old were made with efficiencies in the 56% -70% range. If you had a top of the line system at the time (70% efficiency) but haven’t gotten a professional tune-up in 7 years, your system is now only operating at 35% efficiency. If your system is over 15 years old and doesn’t run like it used to, it may be time to replace it.

Call smart72 today to schedule your $72 Heater Maintenance Tune-Up or Free In-Home Consultation for replacement today!

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(844) 700-7272


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